Volunteer Sign Ups
Use the links below to sign up to be a volunteer at this years ROCK A RAMA.
All members are expected to donate 7 hours to help plan , prep, or work at the show.
Pre-Show Help
Friday May 17
Move In and Set Up
(includes monthly member meeting)
Basket Building and Prep
Saturday and Sunday May 18-19
Slots are available for each day for 2 hours at these times: 10am 12pm 2pm 4pm
Most slots are for 2 people.
RAR Door Workers--
Help take money, handout door prize slip answer questions and help direct guests.
PLC Raffle Table--
Help sell raffle tickets or at the end of the day count raffle tickets in each can for our records
PLC Members Sale Table---
Help sell items that our members have made and promote the club and the educational opportunities of membership
PLC Rock Sale Table--
Help sell rocks and slabs. Knowledge of specimens not required but helpful.
PLC Membership Table---
Help answer questions and promote the club
Show off your craft. We will have a facet machine, a small lap grinder/polisher.
Ideas for demos include: Wire wrapping, bead weaving, metal work, other techniques
General Volunteer---
General help. We will put you where needed.
Post Show Clean Up and Move back to club